Sunday, September 24, 2023

Project: Govee E-Ink display

 The Govee H5074 E-Ink display project!

All complete! This project uses an Adafruit nrf52840 board running CircuitPython and their 2.13 inch e-ink display (the tri-color one) to pull in data via Bluetooth LE from a Govee H5074 temperate and humidity sensor.

Watch it on YouTube. Also, the code is up on Github; take a look!

Some of the challenging / fun parts: on reset, the device will look around for a Bluetooth "Current Time Service" so that the clock is set automatically (no need to every manually set it!). Reading in Bluetooth advertisements for the Govee H5074 was not as obvious as it should have been (and I've got a blog post about it), and the e-ink display was much more challenging than I though it would be.

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